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What can I expect when I hire Sweet Ass Servers for an event?You can be assured that the donkeys will arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the event. They will be clean, accessorized and ready to work. There will be 1 to 2 handlers per donkey to assist the event beverage servers, with photos, and to answer any questions about our Sweet Ass Servers.
Are you insured?Yes, we are insured with a commercial liability policy.
Do the donkeys make a "mess"?"Rest assured, if the donkey needs to do their "business" they are outfitted with a discreet bag under their tail, so if the need arises, the donkey is able to make a deposit in a contained unseen way.
What is the the personality of a donkeyThey are incredibly docile and loving animals that enjoy attention and will sit in your lap if you let them.
How much weight can the donkeys carry on their backs?Our Sweet Ass Servers can carry half of their weight but we limit the load to 45 pounds to be safe. They carry anything from water bottles, beer, champagne, tequila and marketing materials. If it's not too heavy, we can get as creative as you would like.
How do you distribute the beverages?We do not sell alcohol, we simply serve it. The venue or client provides the beverages. All of our handlers have their TABC certifications. The donkeys come equipped with custom saddle packs which allow the donkeys to comfortably carry what ever your heart desires ( as long as it's not too heavy :)
Can we use flash photography around the donkeys?No. These animals are sensitive to flash photography, however, they are very patient and adorable selfie stations!
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